The Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-gee-ah) Transition, released to
the public at the New York Auto Show in 2012, is the world's first vehicle
to meet both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Highway
Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) requirements. Though not what is
typically expected of the flying car concept, it actually transitions (shocker)
between flying and driving. Being primarily marketed to pilots (my guess is
because most people buying cars can't actually afford one that flies), the
Transition is more plane than car. Terrafugia COO Anna Dietrich said, “Don’t
think of it as a car that flies, think of it as a plane that drives."
production prototype of the Transition completed it's first successful flight at
the Plattsburgh International Airport in Plattsburgh, NY on March 23, 2012, the
same airport that the Proof of Concept's first flight testing was located back
in March of 2009. Along with the successful flight, it has also successfully
passed driving and conversion tests, showing that the car won't actually explode
in flames when you attempt to convert from airplane to car (or vise versa).
Needless to say, you will need sufficient space to take off, (seeing as it
is an airplane, technically) so your dream of being stuck in traffic, then just lifting off and flying above everybody is still in the works. Naturally you will need proper licensing and training to fly the Transition, just like every other airplane. Problems entry level
pilots typically encounter with smaller planes similar to the Transition, are that rough and unpredictable weather oftentimes leave the pilots
stranded at airports with no where to go. With the transition, the owner can fold up
their wings and drive off, so this is a major benefit to those lucky enough to
be able to afford a hobby of owning an
the price tag of $279,000, you can have your very own, actual flying car. (Or a house, whichever you fancy) According to
Terrafugia, 100 orders have already been placed for the Transition, each of
them with a hefty $10,000 deposit. Terrafugia is expecting to produce a mere
25-35 Transitions per year, so it might be a little time before you see one
with your own eyes.
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